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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal História Hoje publishes articles, interviews, research results and experience reports of works that favor the articulation between History, History Teaching and Teacher Training. The journal aims to contribute to the discussions developed in Higher Education, Basic Education and other formal and non-formal educational spaces, besides creating an institutional space for debate related to the fields of work of History professionals, teachers and researchers.
(Qualis A1 in History and Education)


Evaluation Policy

Papers submitted to História Hoje undergo the following evaluation process:

1 - Preliminary analysis: they are evaluated, by the journal's secretariat, if the submitted paper meets the formal requirements demanded (such as size, formats, interval of new submission for author, removal of authorship mark, among others). If the paper does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected, and the authors will be informed of the reason for rejection.

2 - Initial evaluation by the editor: the adequacy of the article to the journal's focus and scope will be evaluated, as well as whether its structure is compatible with the section to which it has been submitted. If the article does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected, and the author(s) will be informed of the reason for rejection.

3 - Peer review: the work will be submitted to the evaluation of at least one ad hoc reviewer in the double blind modality (authors and reviewers will not know each other's identity).

3.1 - About the evaluations: they will be elaborated to serve as an aid for the editor's decision making. At the moment of the elaboration of the opinions, the evaluators will recommend one of the four indications below:

( ) accepted without modifications
( ) accepted after minor changes
( ) re-evaluated, after major changes suggested by the peer-review
( ) rejected

3.2. História Hoje has an average time of first editorial decision of 30 weeks


An electronic journal published twice a year.
The dossier schedule can be found

Open access policy

The journal História Hoje offers its contents in free, immediate access (no embargo), following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public democratizes it.


The journal História Hoje does not charge any fee for submission, processing (including reviewing), publication and access. That is, there is no charge for any form of APC (rticle rocessing harge).


Ethical guidelines

The journal História Hoje is committed to zeal for mechanisms that aim at identifying editorial malpractices, seeking to guarantee an ethical process of scientific communication. In this sense, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. the proper referencing of documents and publications cited throughout the papers;
  2. indicating as authors only those who have significantly contributed to its elaboration
  3. the authors who contributed to its elaboration must be credited;
  4. whenever in doubt, we recommend that the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the "Basic Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Activity" of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) be consulted.

In addition, whenever there is evidence of malpractice in documents published or under evaluation, the Editor will decide, in conjunction with the Editorial Board, how to proceed, always ensuring the ample possibility of manifestation by those involv

Undue similarity and duplicate publication

História Hoje uses similarity checking software (Plagius) in all the papers submitted for publication. At any time during the evaluation process, if any evidence of conduct that may configure undue similarity or duplicate publication is identified, the evaluation of the work will be suspended then the Editor will present the problem to the authors and ask for explanations. After receiving feedback from the authors, the Editor will decide, together with the Editorial Board, how to proceed, always ensuring ample opportunity for the authors to manifest themselves.


Retractation, errata and corrections

Whenever it becomes necessary, due to production error, request from the authors or identification of bad editorial practices, the Editor and the Editorial Board will be responsible for the evaluation regarding retractations, errata or corrections.

- Retractation: public statement of a significant error or ethical deviation found (plagiarism, copyright violation, data manipulation, among others) - reference document Guide for the registration and publication of retractions in SciELO Brazil.

- Errata: significant error that may compromise the information conveyed in the article - reference document Guide for the record and publication of errata in SciELO Brazil.

- Correction: minor errors in layout, formatting and spelling - reference document SciELO Brazil Guide for the record and publication of errata (item 5.1).


Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest may occur when documents produced may have been influenced in their production or evaluation process. Thus, it is necessary that authors, referees and editors declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest, which may be of personal, commercial, political, academic, financial nature, among others.

Thus, it is requested that authors declare potential conflicts of interest at the time of submission, the reviewers to do so at the time of acceptance and/or during the preparation of the manuscript, and that editors declare them throughout the process. The latter group, whenever necessary, before the Editorial Board.


Research ethics committee

All research papers involving human beings (including interviews and application of questionnaires) must be submitted to the research ethics committees and provide the record of approval in the conduct of the research by Plataforma Brasil (according to guidelines of CNS Resolution No. 510 of 2016 and other documents regulating this procedure). Papers by foreign authors must follow the ethical standards for research involving human subjects in their countries of origin.


Authorship and multi-authorship policy

Manuscripts with more than one author must include all of their names in the "List of Co-authors" at the time of submission.

Only those researchers who have participated, even if in different proportions, in the following stages will be considered authors:

- Research, conceptual discussion and historical analysis;

- Writing (at least part of the article);

- Final revision.

All authors are equally responsible and fully agree with the content submitted and/or published.

 The journal História Hoje considers that there may be other forms of participation in the research that subsidizes the work, as well as in the elaboration of the text. It is based on the criteria established by the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) - translated by SciELO. The participants who are in any of these categories, but who do not have author status, should be mentioned in a footnote at the beginning of the text, according to their contributions.


Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the compliance of the submission against all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.

  1. Submitted papers must be unpublished and cannot be under evaluation by another journal or other form of research communication.
  2. All authors must inform their ORCID at the time of submission.
  3. The submission file must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  4. The text must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors on the About the Journal page.
  5. In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the instructions available in Ensuring double-blind peer review should be followed.
  6. URLs for references should be provided when possible.


Copyright Statement

Authors retain copyright and grant História Hoje journal the right of first publication.



All works are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License - CC-BY.


Privacy policy

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.