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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I confirm to be aware that the submissions which do not comply with the guidelines will be returned.
  • I confirm that the present article is the result of original research and has not been submitted for evaluation in another journal or book.
  • I confirm to be aware of the Journal's Conflict of Interest Policy which can be found at:
  • I confirm that I am aware of the journal's Multi-authorship Policy which can be found at:
  • I confirm to be aware of the Journal's Copyright Policy, as well as the circulation of the text in open access under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) 4.0 International license.
  • I confirm that all authors and co-authors have got a Master's degree in History or correlative fields (Only submissions to the História Hoje em Sala de Aula section can be made by graduates.)

Author Guidelines

The História Hoje journal receives, in a continous flow, reviews, interviews and articles. For the single articles section and for the sections E-Storia, Talking about History Today, History Today in the Classroom, the texts should be in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French.

  1. The minimum qualification required for publication in the História Hoje journal is a master's degree, except for the section History Today in the Classroom, which receives articles from graduation students and master's degree students.
  2. Authors who have already published in História Hoje journal cannot publish in the immediately following volume. It means that only in the following year the author may again submit an article to the journal.
  3. All papers must be submitted without any authorship mark, including the metadata of the Word program. The program used to prepare the file must be compatible to be opened in the Windows Word program. The images must be up to 300 dpi.
  4. It is necessary to include the supplementary document, which must be attached to the submission platform, containing the author's complete data (name, institutional affiliation, academic degree, institutional address and e-mail for correspondence). On this same sheet, the author must also declare that the submitted text is original, certifying that it has never been published, and that it is not being considered for publication in any other journal or collection.
  5. If the paper is financially supported by any institution, the name of the institution should be mentioned.
  6. Articles (for all sections, excluding Interview and Book Review) should be 5500 words to 8500 words (15 to 20 pages in A4 format, not counting references), typed in Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing. Quotations longer than three lines should be highlighted, using font 11 and indented 4 inches. Margin: top and left: 3,0 inches; bottom and right: 2,0 inches.

The articles are mandatory to be presented with a title in Portuguese and in English, an abstract of maximum 10 lines or 140 words and 3 keywords, at the endo of the article, complete references and 3 keywords.

7.1 - The order of texts presentation should be as indicated below:

* Articles written in Portuguese language:

 (a) Title, abstract and three keywords.

  1. b) Mandatory title, abstract and key words in English and optionally in Spanish.

 * Articles written in a foreign language:

  1. a) Title, abstract and keywords in the original language of the article.
  2. b) Mandatory title, abstract and keywords in English (if it is not the original language) and in Portuguese.
  3. Quotations and references (bibliography)

- Quotations must be indicated in the text by the author-date citation system.

- Quotations of up to three lines: incorporated in the text, between quotation marks, font size equal to that of the text.

- More than three lines: off-set from the text, font 11, indented 4 inches, no quotation marks (or any other emphasis), simple interline spacing, right margin equal to the text.

- Name of the paper author, for the two cases above:

- Included in the text (normal spelling for proper names). Example: According to Mota (1997, p. 87), "The academic knowledge [...]";

- In parentheses, last name in CAPS LOCK. Example: "The academic knowledge [...]" (MOTA, 1997, p. 87).

  1. Reviews may be between 1,000 and 1,500 words , titles in Portuguese and English. Fonts and margins follow the same rules as for articles. They should refer to Brazilian books published in the same year or the year before the submission, or foreign books published in the last four years. The title of the review should be in Portuguese and English.
  2. The interviews should be related to History and its teaching, teacher education in History, educational public policies and/or other themes related to the debates in the field. The title of the interview must be in Portuguese and English, as well as a brief presentation of the respondent.
  3. Texts for the E-Story section should be articles that relate experiences or are the result of research on the possible connections between History Teaching and Information and Communication Technologies. The formal requirements are the same as for articles, items 7, 7.1 and 8.
  4. The texts for the History Today in the Classroom section should consist of articles about processes, dynamics, teaching strategies, teaching procedures and/or issues related to History Teaching in the Classroom - especially those proposed by teachers working in Basic Education. The formal requirements are the same as for articles, items 7, 7.1 and 8.
  5. The texts for the section Talking about History Today should be articles about theoretical, conceptual and/or methodological issues in the area of History that are able to enhance and contribute to the debate about the teaching of History. The formal requirements are the same as for articles, items 7, 7.1 and 8.
  6. The publication and comments on original documents will follow the same rules as those applied to articles.
  7. Notes (organized by numbers and not symbols or letters) should be placed at the end of the text, not exceeding 30. They should be explanatory and essential.
  8. The References at the end of the text are compulsory and restricted to the authors, documents, internet pages etc. referred to in the body of the text. They should be listed in alphabetical order.
  9. Standards for bibliographical references, which should appear at the end of the text:

Edited Book: LAST NAME, Name. Book title in italics: subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year.

Chapter or part of a book: LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter or part of the book. In: LAST NAME, Name. Book title in italics: subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year.

Journal Articles: LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, City: Publisher, v.xx, n.xx,, year. Available at: www..........; Access on: month, day. year.

Academic paper: LAST NAME, Name. Title in italics: subtitle. Dissertation/Thesis (Master's/PhD at .....) . Unit, Institution. City, year. np. Available at: Electronic address. Access on: month, day, year.

Text available on the internet: LAST NAME, Name. Title. Date (if any). Available at: www..........; Access on: month,day. year.

Paper presented in event: LAST NAME, Name. Title of the work. In: NAME OF EVENT, number (if any), year, Place of event. Annals... Place: Publisher (if any), year. Available at: www..........; Access on: month day. year.


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