This study discusses the relations between
oral and visual historical sources to understand
the teaching trajectory of female
teachers in the neighborhood of Cidade da
Esperança in 1966. The aim is to establish
connections between oral and visual
sources and, through this intersection, associate
them with a discussion about the
teaching work experienced by the first
group of teachers of Cidade da Esperança.
We used the Oral History method and
public interviews. It was observed that examining
education through the life stories
of teachers allows us to reflect on teacher
training from the perspective of those who
engage in it daily. The intersection between
photographs and narratives enabled
us to move beyond a perspective focused solely on official documents, transcending
the state’s viewpoint, for instance. We
concluded that the life stories of the teachers
and their narratives reveal the nuances
of the construction of teachers’ identities,
highlighting the importance of collectivity
and community in teaching formation
and practice.