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Vol. 13 No. 28 (2024): Edição especial

When the “Land-Eaters” arrived in Yanomami Territory: The Corporate-Military Dictatorship and the Teaching of History: En la encrucijada de los conflictos durante la dictadura empresarial-militar (1964-1985)

March 16, 2024


Our objective is to highlight the mechanisms of territorial appropriation generated by the relations established between the business sector and the military that assumed power after the 1964 Coup and processed the meanderings of the public machine and from the analysis of the immanence of the sources to reveal the links constitutive for the presentation of two concepts in history teaching. Such a process was forged as part of the business-military dictatorship, a political-economic project of occupation of the Amazon justified by the discourse of the need to integrate into the national development a space that was characterized by a demographic gap. In other words, the different ethnic groups and countless traditional communities, inhabitants of the region since ancient times, have, once again, been considered “non-beings”, non-existent. For this reason, in history teaching ethnic- racial diversity is used to understand and reconstitute the rights of the indigenous people on their territories


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