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Vol. 13 No. 28 (2024): Edição especial

Denialist Networks: The Chain of Production and Dissemination of Denialism about the Military Dictatorship in the Hands of the Extreme Right

April 7, 2024


The current context is marked by the operationalization of historical denialist content on various networks. In this article, the result of research carried out at Profhistória – UFPB, we analyze the formation of a denialist network of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil, with an emphasis on the actions of Bolsonarism at school and in digital media. To do this, we used a report of teaching experience about a public school in the municipal network of João Pessoa (PB) that was the target of apologetic manifestations of the dictatorial experience throughout 2018. Furthermore, we resorted to content analysis of denialist memes of the dictatorship resulting from a digital mobilization led by federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro on his social networks in 2017. Finally, we highlight how the presence of persecutory and anti-democratic practices in educational institutions opens up gaps for the sedimentation of denialism in the school environment.


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