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Vol. 13 No. 28 (2024): Edição especial

On the Trail of the Countless: Notes on the Building and Uses of Two Pedagogical Tools about the Military Dictatorship

April 19, 2024


The purpose of this paper is to analyz the production and possible uses of two pedagogical tools about the military dictatorship: an exhibition of documents and an audiovisual series. Both were designed and developed by the same research group from the Núcleo de Memória e Direitos Humanos da UFRJ and two of its members have used them as teaching resources in History classes. The article is divided into three parts: a report on the academic and political debates and the context in which this research team originated; a discussion of the building and guided tours of Rastros da Verdade exhibition based on the analysis of evaluation questionnaires filled out by students and teachers; and, finally, an assessment of the choices made in the production of the Incontáveis audiovisual series and the ques- tions raised in its exhibitions over time, based on the authors’ experiences and memories.


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