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Vol. 13 No. 28 (2024): Edição especial

The 60th Anniversary of the 1964 Coup and the Possible Horizons for a History Teaching Committed to the Never Again

July 28, 2024


This article aims to point out some elements about the ways in which the History teaching about the 1964 Coup and the dictatorship in Brazil has been constituted. Starting from some reflections on the present time, marked by the 60t anniversary of the Coup and by the reproduction of denialist discourses, it tries to problematize how the approach to such themes in Basic Education is configured. The article also presents and dialogues with the texts that make up the dossier The Teaching of History and the 60th Anniversary of the 1964 Coup: What Have We Learned and Taught? Among these texts, there is one that pays tribute to Professor Enrique Serra Padrós, one of the main references in studies on the dictatorship in Brazil and a professor deeply dedicated to educating for the Never Again.


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