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Vol. 10 No. 19 (2021): Janeiro-Junho

Fighting Revisionism: History Teaching of the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship as a Dispute of Narratives

  • Fernando de Lima Nunes
October 27, 2020


This article aims to bring to the debate possibilities of thinking about the teaching of the history of the Civil-Military Dictatorship in basic education, as a sensitive topic, in a context of broad revisionism and negationism. For this, we will approach the concepts and practices of revisionism, negation and negationism, and how it affects the memory built on the period of the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Brazil. It will also be debated how historical knowledge about the most recent dictatorial period in Brazilian history is apprehended by the population, beyond the classroom. In addition, an experience of teaching History about the dead and political disappeared during the period of Civil-Military Dictatorship will be presented, based on the theoretical and method-ological assumptions of Historical Empathy and their intersection with the construction of biographies.


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