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Vol. 10 No. 19 (2021): Janeiro-Junho

A Debate with High School Students on History, Memory and Racism

October 29, 2020


This article aims to analyze the historical ideas of high school students about the destruction of statues and monuments linked to colonialism and imperialism, in different places in the world. From an activity proposed remotely to 44 students from a peripheral school in Londrina (PR), as a way to make remote education more critical and connected to the current reality, we qualitatively analyzed the data under the theoretical-methodological scope of History Educa-tion. It was possible to perceive that the majority of students consider that the overthrow of the statues does not necessarily lead to the fight against racism, others strategies being fundamental for social awareness. Some of the young people’s narratives were based on personal reports about racism, showing complex ideas regarding the discussion about identity and overcoming traumatic experiences.


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