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Vol. 11 No. 23 (2022): Julho-Dezembro

Challenges and Learning in History Teaching in Pandemic Times: An Interdisciplinary Experience with Pre-ONHB

March 6, 2022


This paper aims to instigate reflection on the didactic actions implemented in the distance learning environment dur-ing the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) through quantitative and quali-tative data thereof, in order to discuss the challenges, limits and potentialities of this situation for history teaching in the Covid-19 time that has, notorious-ly, mobilized the use of various technol-ogies. This will be based on the partici-pation experience of students from technical-integrated high school at the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais – Be-tim Campus (IFMG) in the Pre-Na-tional Olympics in Brazilian History (Pre-ONHB) held in the first half of 2020. The didactic actions implement-ed in an interdisciplinary approach have revealed the relevance not only of collective work, but also of the very teaching and reflection experience as highlighted thereof.


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