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Vol. 11 No. 23 (2022): Julho-Dezembro

Historical Thinking and Digital Culture: Challenges and Experiences in Teacher Education

March 10, 2022


This article reports and analyzes the experience of the subproject in the area of History at PIBID (Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program), developed between 2020 and 2022, initially entitled: “Working with TDICs for teaching and meaningful learning in History”. The subproject, formulated from the conception of meaningful learning, directed us to the challenge of working with the concept of historical thinking (LEE, 2011; BORRIES, 2011), which leads to the idea of a learning focused on mastering and mobilizing certain principles, concepts and operations related to the construction, representation and uses of historical knowledge. We sought to explore these dimensions from different educational possibilities linked to digital culture (BARATO; CRESPO, 2013) and the use and digital information and communication technologies (DICTs).


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