The article presented here inspects the continuing education of teachers through the stricto sensu ProHistoria Graduate Program, with the purpose of mapping the progress of ProfHistoria’s productions during the twenty years since the enactment of Law n. 10.639/2003. To fuill this scope, we surveyed the dissertations produced within the time frame of twenty years since the promulgation of the law, through which we obtained thirty-one (31) dissertations produced since the completion of the first class of entrants to the Program in 2016. We mobilize, in the reflections made in this article, the formulations of Francisco Imbernón (2010), Maria Amélia Franco (2016), Ivor Goodson (2003), Pierre Bourdieu (2012) and Roger Chartier (1990, 1991), on continuing education of teachers, pedagogical practice, curriculum, symbolic domination and field, and representation, respectively. The results inform the permanent dialog present in the continuing education process with the basic school, through the production of theses that give visibility to the Educação para as Relações Étnico-Raciais (ERER) [Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations] theme, based on the guidelines of Law n. 10.639/2003.