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Vol. 13 No. 28 (2024): Edição especial

To Master Enrique Padrós: So We May Remain as Critical Consciousness and Barricade

March 13, 2024


At this moment when the progressive part of Brazil dedicates itself to a retrospective and to new questions and problematizations regarding the passage of 60 years since the civil-military coup in Brazil (03/31/1964), the article proposes itself, at the same time, to be a tribute and a reflection on the contributions of the historian, researcher, and mentor to several generations of students in bot primary and university education: Enrique Serra Padrós, affectionately called Enrique by his students and friends, but widely recognized as Professor Padrós. Decrypting the key concepts of the researcher and educator, the intrinsic relationship between academic life, and the constant concern that the results of research and knowledge production reach broader layers of society, especially young people in primary education, will be presented and discussed here.


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