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Vol. 12 No. 24 (2023): January-June

At Least Here, Women Have a Voice? Sensitive Themes, Thematic Paths, and the History of Ancient Greece for Elementary School

August 15, 2022


This paper aims to discuss the possibilities
of a history of women and the family
focused on school education. In this
regard, the text was organized into two
parts. In the first one, the main purpose
is to raise historiographical questions
relative to the sources that allow to discuss
the concept of gender and a history
of women and family in Ancient Greece.
In the second part, the paper displays a
proposal of thematic paths and didactic
interventions that may enable teachers
to reflect and structure sets of classes
that deal with the same subject and historical
problem. Finally, according to
theories recounted to the development
of historical thinking, it is intended to
present possibilities of teaching a critical
Ancient History, focused on the
stresses and the dynamics of the contemporary


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